If you've been feeling like you're not getting the outcomes that you want with women, you're in the right place. Things are about to get better.

You're also not alone in that feeling. That's because, for the average guy, dating has never been harder.

According to a study conducted by Tinder on its own users, women reject 93% of men on dating apps.

Meanwhile, according to a different survey conducted by the dating app, Happn, 75% of men are afraid to approach women out in the real world.

So, what's the result?

Well, researchers at Indiana University found that nearly 1 in 3 U.S. men, ages 18 to 24, reported having zero sexual activity in the past year. 

But this is an extraordinary opportunity for the small group of guys who understand how to navigate this complex dating world. And that's what Truths of Attraction is about.

I offer a course that addresses the challenges guys face in this frustrating world of modern dating.

From the fundamentals of what women are actually attracted to (as opposed to what they say they're attracted to) ... to how to approach and have that first conversation ... to those first few months of dating up until she finally wants to be exclusive... through those first couple years together... This is a deeply-detailed, comprehensive course full of exercises, assignments, and real world growth opportunities.

I cover every question and detail you're wondering about: confidence building, approach strategies (yes, including what to say), easy conversation hacks, how to stop getting ghosted in those first couple months of dating, how to maintain strength in a new relationship, dating apps, getting an ex back, handling flakes, and so much more...

And to be clear, I won't ask you to become someone you're not. That means no cheesy lines to memorize... no manipulative tricks to perfect... and no promises of "magic seduction phrases" because that's bullshit marketing, and I'm only interested in what works - the truth.

The truths of attraction.

So, if you want to stop being one of the overwhelming majority of guys who are having zero success on the dating apps and in the real world... if you want to see dating and relationship successes that might have eluded you so far... join me in the Trusts of Attraction course and start making the changes you know you're capable of.

You don't have to remain frustrated. But you do have to make the choice to change your situation, starting today.